«I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.»
— B. R. Ambedkar.
I start the post with this quote, as an introduction to the great and inspiring movement called Rebel Architette.
Rebel Architette is “A collective, open free cultural project, raising awareness and promoting research and information around the recognition of the role of women architects”.
“With members from Italy, Europe, and Canada, the RebelTeam was established in Bergamo, Italy, in May 2017.»
“Everything started discussing the intense national debate grown after the approval of the professional stamp in the feminine “Architetta” (meaning Woman Architect in Italy, until then the official mark was only available in the masculine “Architetto”).
In 2018, they launched the e-book ARCHITETTE=WOMENARCHITECTS, Here we are! Coinciding with the opening of the 2018 Biennale.”

Founder Curator: Francesca Perani.
“Francesca is an Architect and an Investigator. Trained as an Architect in Italy, Belgium, Australia, United Kingdom, she has been trapped in a graphic designer’s mind and now inextricably taken hostage by cre(ative)-activism”.

1. Disseminate female role models of excellence.
2. Raise awareness of the need for equal gender participation.
3. Diffuse the importance of the application of gendered language.

WAW Map (Women architects world map): The map currently collects an overall of 732 studios, which have been proposed/selected by “International Rebel-Advisors”, who support the curatorial work with their expertise in their own geographical areas. In my case, Natalia Patlán (who is in the final steps to graduate from the bachelor’s degree in architecture at UNAM) was my link with this incredible movement, she started as an advisor and now she’s officially a member of the curatorial team. And very soon I will be the great honor to be part of the team advisors too!

– The first seven full profiles feature outstanding women architects: Louise Braverman, Anna Heringer, Gisue Hariri, Diriana Fuksas, Toshiko Mori, Caroline James, and more to come, to demonstrate how the tool will look with all the practices and individual profiles filled in.

I was immediately hooked with their inspirational quotes:
“From ego to plural”, “A new tool to detox architecture from inequalities”, “Activist Architects giving visibility to extraordinary women architect’s work”, “A source of inspiration for young professionals”, “Creative Digital Activists” …
Concepts based in Architecture itself: Creativity, Accessibility, inclusiveness and Collective participation.
If there are Architect firms led by woman, based in Mexico City, who are interested in participating, you can write Natalia Patlán (npatlangarcia@gmail.com), or directly to me as well (iflores@ensamblearquitectura.com).
I am very excited to participate in a network that promotes the strengthening the women’s role in Architecture.
All images are property of http://www.rebelarchitette.it